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Front one-touch stand
all stainless steel SUS304

The folding front stand is a lightweight, convenient solution to lift the bike for maintenance or to use tire warmers. The stand folds completely flat when not in use, which is great for saving room in your transporter.
Simply insert the pin into the lower triple clamp, lift the extended bar, and the legs swing down to provide the support needed to hold the bike up a few inches.

Note: This stand is very useful on uneven or unfinished paddock surfaces!

----- HONDA -----

Product code Model Year Pin Size
BA10-H01 NSR50 -94 18.5
BA10-H02 NSR50 95-97 17.0
NSR50mini 00-09 17.0
NSF100 06-09 17.0
BA10-H06 DREAM 50 - 16.5
BA10-H07 XR100 [motado]
In fender and fender stay hole process necessity
There is hole process end stay selling separately, see below
06-08 17.0
BA10-H08 RS125R
Moriwaki MD250H
90 - current
BA10-H14 Grom 2014+ 20.5
BA10-H09 RS250R 93-09 24.0
NSR250 89-97 24.0
CB400SF - 24.0
CBR400RR 90- 24.0
BA10-H10 CBR600F4i 01-02 24.0
BA10-H11 CBR600RR 03-09 20.5

----YAMAHA -----

Product code Model Year Pin Size
BA10-Y10 R3 17.2
BA10-Y01 TZM50 -97 24.0
BA10-Y02 TZ125 94-95 16.5
BA10-Y03 TZ125 96 11.3
BA10-Y04 TZ125 97-09 13.0
BA10-Y05 TZR250 91-97 21.5
BA10-Y06 TZ250 91-09 16.5
BA10-Y07 YZF-R6 99-00 20.5
BA10-Y08 YZF-R6 01-02 17.0
BA10-Y09 YZF-R6 03-08 16.5

----- KAWASAKI -----

Product code Model Year Pin Size
BA10-K01 ZXR400 91- 27.0

----- SUZUKI -----

Product code Model Year Pin Size
BA10-S01 RGV250 96-

----- Others -----

Product code Model Year Pin Size
BA10-Y06 Aprilia RS250 - 16.5

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